My passion for writing started with poetry and with April being National Poetry Month I decided to end this first month as a part time blogger with a poem. Enjoy!

Time is a serial heart breaker.
You can run out of it and want more.
You can have too much and take it for granted.
But the moment you told me you loved me, time stopped for us, if only for a couple of seconds.
I’ve waited so long to hear those words from you… I dreamt about the day I would hear it or read it in a text.
At 1:13 a.m. time stopped, not to break our hearts.
To neither give us more of it, nor take it away.
Time stopped so we can breathe it in.
You wrote “I Love You.”
My heart sunk and I replied "...I love you too."
Time paused with just the right amount of time for us to embrace what was happening and to prepare us for the chaos that lie ahead.
Time conflicting schedules.
Time moving too quick, wanting more.
Needing more time to fit in time with you.
We needed more of it.
It breaks my heart to see you leave after too little time together.
After exchanging such powerful words...
We'll never have enough time...
I'm a sucker for love poems, what can I say?
This is an original piece of fiction written by Desiree Gaitan. All writing belongs to her. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination.